Abyssial Mimesis

A generative immersive audiovisual installation exploring deep-sea imaginary probabilities through the interplay of digital subconscious.

Multimedia Audiovisual Installation, 2025

Audiovisual: Jiawen Wang

Exhibited at:
2025 Medienhaus UdK Berlin

--from the future, we re-imagine the past; from the deep, we re-envision the probabilities.

In Abyssial Mimesis, the uncharted territories of the digital subconscious are brought to life through the lens of speculative biology. Deep-sea creatures often evoke a sense of mystery and the unknown. They are reminders of the vastness and complexity of the world beyond our immediateperception. This immersive audiovisual installation imagines the probability of digital lifeforms from the collective unconscious. Using generative algorithms and AI-driven image creation, it visualizes hypothetical entities, drawing striking parallels between the hidden depths of the ocean and the unexamined recesses of our shared digital psyche.

trailer of Abyssial Mimesis (sound on)

The installation unfolds in two interconnected parts:

  1. In first part of the installation,  points and lines—raw data as genetic material—collide and mutate, creating unstable geometries. These digital organisms evolve in real-time within a artificial intelligent model , their forms trying to resemble deep-sea metamorphosis .
    This is the unwrapping—the raw, chaotic becoming of life.
  2. The second phase shifts to a contemplative space, presenting these inhabitants of the digital deep as specimens, labled and displayed in a archive.This display invites viewers to closely examine the details of these entities and ponder their origins, potential behaviors, and the systems that have shaped them. This is the wrapping—a attempt to grasp the infinite within human categories. The archive is not a display of truth, but a mirror of our hunger to name the unnameable

Mimesis (Greek for "imitation") traditionally refers to art’s ability to mirror reality. Here, it is reimagined: AI does not imitate nature, but mimics the act of creation itself, generating speculative entities from collective data (cultural, digital, biological). Like the deep sea—a realm that resists human observation—these forms reflect not reality, but the hidden patterns and biases of the systems that create them. We try to ask: What does it mean to "copy" when there is no original, only endless feedback loops between data and imagination?

As visitors navigate the installation, they are invited to reflect on their own relationship with the digital world and how it shapes thoughts, perceptions, and identities. The work poses questions about the strange and wondrous creatures emerging from our collective digital dreams and the impact of this feedback loop on our understanding of self and subjectivity.

Inspired by Gotthard Günther’s concepts of polycontexturality and meta-subjectivity, Abyssial Mimesis experiments with the fluid interplay between microcosm and macrocosm, between individual and collective. It challenges conventional notions of selfhood, presenting a multisensory journey through the infinite wrapping and unwrapping of collective consciousness.

Through speculative biology and immersive experience design, Abyssial Mimesis reimagines the digital subconscious as a generative ocean of possibilities—an evolving landscape where the mysteries of the human mind converge with the algorithmic logic of machines.

Design alternatives:

©JIAWENWANGUnity of Qi & Dao | Art and Media | 道器合一2024